Questionnaire: How Toxic is Your Hair?

By |2021-05-24T11:18:35+00:00March 1, 2010|Cosmetics|

There have been a number of reports in newspapers and magazines addressing the potentially hazardous substances commonly found in the ingredients of many hair care products. It's certainly important to weigh up the evidence available and come to your own conclusions, but to help you do so, we have put [...]

Synthetic Fragrances and the Environment

By |2021-05-24T11:18:38+00:00October 28, 2008|Cosmetics|

The timeless allure of perfume is one which makes many multi-millions of pounds for the cosmetics industry each year, and yet environmental scientists are increasingly concerned about their affects on our health as well as their persistence in the environment. Smell Pollution Some even suggest that synthetic fragrance has more [...]

What is in Your Air Fresheners?

By |2021-05-24T11:18:38+00:00October 28, 2008|Cosmetics|

Air fresheners are on the increase. It seems that plain old fresh air is not sweet enough for us and we desire the synthetic creation of ‘clean’ pine forests, sharp-smelling citrus oils and rolling fields or Provencal lavender. But what are all these scenic smells doing for our health? What [...]

Mosquito Repellents and Organochlorides

By |2021-05-24T11:18:38+00:00October 27, 2008|Cosmetics|

Insect repellents have been around for thousands of years with evidence of their use by man dating back since before Egyptian times. And their employment doesn’t stop with mankind, for even animals such as the capuchin monkey have been observed rubbing a particular type of millipede into their hair which [...]

What Toxins are in My Shampoo?

By |2021-05-24T11:18:39+00:00October 24, 2008|Cosmetics|

Your bathroom should be a haven of relaxation and a chance to pamper yourself. But despite glossy ads and super-slick models looking radiant, the very products we choose to lather ourselves with could be coating us in toxic chemicals. Read our low-down on shampoo health hazards. Shampoo Diethanolamine (DEA) is [...]

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